304 S. Jones Blvd #2826
Las Vegas NV 89107
(702) 608-2046
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
304 S. Jones Blvd #2826
Las Vegas NV 89107
(702) 608-2046
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Is the land-use tax a revenue-neutral way to spur development and infill? City leaders in Detroit are exploring the question.
Read moreDetailsAmidst a great deal of hand-wringing about the plight of American cities, it's worth remembering that New York came back...
Read moreDetailsThe Atlantic recently published a great piece entitled, "The Anti-California, How Montana performed a housing miracle." The author details all...
Read moreDetailsAfter many decades of reinvestment and repopulation, some American downtowns are now showing signs of hollowing out again.
Read moreDetailsThree new policy recommendations give local leaders tools for reforming their police forces -- without waiting on action from federal...
Read moreDetailsMany cities face an urban doom loop, with a massive oversupply of office and retail space, fewer commuters and a...
Read moreDetailsFor generations, most American cities have required new businesses or homes to provide off-street parking according to arbitrary formulas. But,...
Read moreDetailsA group of small business owners teamed up with the Institute for Justice (IJ) to file a lawsuit challenging the...
Read moreDetailsFrom shelters to soup kitchens, zoning laws often outlaw churches and religious nonprofits from carrying out their charitable missions on...
Read moreDetailsGray’s background in city planning and subsequent policy research is evident in his command of the history and intricacies of...
Read moreDetailsBetter Cities Project helps people in America’s largest cities live free, happy lives. We uncover what works, promote solutions, and forge partnerships that turn ideas into results.
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