304 S. Jones Blvd #2826
Las Vegas NV 89107
(702) 608-2046
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
304 S. Jones Blvd #2826
Las Vegas NV 89107
(702) 608-2046
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
As the COVID-19 outbreak ran through the U.S., many cities enacted rent-control and anti-eviction policies meant to keep people in...
Read moreDetailsVolunteer and non-profit activities have been a bright spot, backstopping government efforts.
Read moreDetailsA 2019 Supreme Court ruling means big impacts -- and potentially big bills -- for some communities.
Read moreDetailsMany cities are not experiencing rapid growth despite offering some of the highest wages and best career opportunities in the...
Read moreDetailsCongress created the opportunity zone tax break in 2017; now, some question whether the no-strings-attached approach is paying off.
Read moreDetailsA generational population shift to our urban areas may have peaked as many cities risk driving out the middle-class residents...
Read moreDetailsLetting developers build denser communities in exchange for affordable housing sounds like a good idea. But there's evidence it may...
Read moreDetailsHaven't heard of as-of-right zoning? You're not alone. But in most cities, it's the guiding hand for virtually all development....
Read moreDetailsBetter Cities Project helps people in America’s largest cities live free, happy lives. We uncover what works, promote solutions, and forge partnerships that turn ideas into results.
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